Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wild Woman of Queens: Notes on Urban Creativity from across the East River.

Hal cropped by Sandra Lee Schubert 2008

Wild Woman of Queens: Notes on Urban Creativity from across the East River.

Sandra Lee Schubert

Creating New

What do you do when life does not go as expected? How about when your favorite art project looks like hell? Creating can be a big pain. You have a vision. The vision and current reality does not fit. Paint goes bad, your brain dries up and not a word pours out. Can you keep creating despite the capricious nature of life?

Claim your right to create despite distractions, layoffs, no money and the bad news hitting you from all over the place. Let go of your force of will to demand art behave like you want and let creation happen.

I have just hired a new instructor for the writers group I facilitate. She shared her ideas about the class would be taught. But there I was judging it. I know these people they will never go for it. But who am I hiring? Has she done this before? Does it matter? Despite my opinions, I am willing to be surprised by what may happen. The group may hate it. OK. All of us have to break out of our set ways and shake things up a bit.

Think of some different ways to create. You could try to write standing up or in a different location. If you paint in the morning, try painting in the afternoon life. Claim your write to create no matter what happens. Let's see what can happen.

Sandra Lee Schubert
is a creative vagabond, a poet, writer and dabbler in the arts and online entrepreneur. She co-facilitates the Wild Angels Poets and Writers Group at the historic Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine. She is also the creator of the e-course, Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own. Visit her blog: Email her or @writing4life via twitter.

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