Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 Year-End Review for this Artist Entrepreneur

Well, what a ride it's been, like Lisa Canning of Entrepreneur the Arts, says in her post "My 2009, and Yours?"

Creativity doesn't gush forth in a straight line or logical way. So, in the spirit of the nonlinear and emotional intuitive I am, I'm listing my successes in order of appearance and excitement in my life.

My 2008 Successes
I'm most proud of the products I created this year: one e-book, one e-course with workbook and audio -- the Writer's Adventure Guide, and one card deck, the Writer's Tarot.

I am proud that I launched my Artist Entrepreneurs Unite project that is growing and morphing as we speak.

I am also very grateful to have been able to help clients edit their book proposals, namely, Karen Lodrick, and Elizabeth Pagayonan. And I'm grateful to have been able to coach and consult with writers throughout the year, both in person, over the phone, and online.

And thank you to the awesome writer ladies with whom I co-created the anthology, Writing Romance.

Last, but by no means least, I have enjoyed weekly (and sometimes more frequent) powwows with three fabulous people, and have created awesome projects with them, and continue to do so.
  • With Cheryl Liquori, Marketing Coach extraordinaire, I'm grateful for our weekly coffee klatches and heart-to-hearts, and for the awesome project we're creating: Breakfast Blogging Club of the East Bay, to launch the beginning of February 2009.
  • Grateful for our weekly phone klatches and in awe of the delicious creativity of my web support guy and blog designer, Peter J. Ferguson. Peter designed my Writer's Fun Zone blog. And has created a wonderful peace-centered blog and site of his own, My Moment of Peace.
  • And how could I forget my sometimes graphic designer, and always cheerleader and husband, Ezra Barany. He designed the cover for my Writer's Adventure Guide program, edited the audio for the course, and is an all-around great guy. Creative too! (Check out his book trailer here.)
Still to Accomplish
I'm still working on getting organized; my database continues to live in a few places. I think I need a Rolodex. I love the feel of business cards. That's why I have boxes of them.

My 2008 Lessons
I learned A LOT this year. Mostly about how to stay in the present and find the joy and sometimes heartbreak in every moment. Through getting back in touch with meditation, connecting with the divine (I call it the Divine Nothingness/Universe), and by journaling more, I have seen how I'd previously been so driven by fear, anxiety, nameless flutters.

So thank you to my meditation teacher, Jeri. And thank you to the universe. I know that you will always catch me if I fall. And that falling is okay, and part of this amazing adventure called life.

For 2009
I will always appear to bite off more than I can chew, so my resolution and plan for 2009 is to chew  a little less and:
  1. Finish my novel, The Dragon Stone
  2. Create the the physical version of the Writer's Adventure Guide
  3. Mass produce and distribute the Writer's Tarot
  4. Speak/do workshops at least once a month
  5. Have a lot of fun running my business(es)
  6. Expand and launch my Artist Entrepreneurs Unite to the next level
  7. And be open to wonderful opportunities!
And You?
What are your successes in 2008?

What have you learned from your 2008 successes and failures?

What would you like to accomplish in 2009?

Beth Barany is a Certified Creativity Coach for Writers, Book Consultant, and Artist Entrepreneur. 

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