Friday, January 30, 2009

Garden Views: The Magic of Success

Isn’t it amazing how an RFP (Request For Proposal) can make the writing blues disappear? Just like that? Like magic. All of those self-doubts gone in an instant! What’s wrong with this picture?

What’s wrong is that we have given over our power to create our own meaning, or to decide what is worthy or valuable work, to someone (editor or editorial assistant) or some event (e-mail or phone call from same) outside of ourselves.

If we were able to generate those same feelings of belief and optimism while we’re writing, developing our proposals, researching literary agents and editors, and sending out query letters, we’d be happy most of the time, wouldn’t we? Or, at least, happier?

Alas, most of us lack the tools to sustain these feelings unless we attain some success. And even after those small successes, eventually it’s back to the slough of despond. I’d sure like to learn from my peers. Whether writer or other artist, what tools do you use to keep up the optimism?

Lois de Vries' thoughts on gardening and environmental issues run the gamut from gardening in her own back yard to promoting land management practices that reconnect people to the Earth. Lois is seeking a publisher for her book, The Transformational Power of Gardening. Visit her blog at

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