Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wild Woman of Queens: Notes on Urban Creativity from across the East River.

Turkish coffee by Sandra Lee Schubert 2009

Wild Woman of Queens
: Notes on Urban Creativity from across the East River.

Sandra Lee Schubert

Dreaming Weird

I had this dream the other night. My skull snapped open like a wallet w. the skull open down the middle and swinging right and left. I was exposed, my brain (mind) opened to the world. It was a weird dream. Sticking with me like some dreams do. Oddly I have taken to wearing my cap around the apartment feeling my head every now in then just in case. You never know when things will be exposed. I wish I had a friend who could interpret the entire dream for me. I posted it on dream site but nothing.

Creativity becomes this thing that exposes me. I reveal something inadvertently. In my Monday night writing group things have been pointed out that I didn't mean to reveal. But there it is some secret of my psyche laid out on paper for all to see.

I think being a creative being takes courage. You have to be willing to step out into the world fully exposed. I know this exposure keeps people from fulfilling their creative dreams. It can hurt.

Then you have the completed work and it thrills you and it inspires others. Sometimes that is all it takes- this one moment when you become absolutely willing to expose all because the end result is so grand.

Sandra's e-course leads people to finally write their life stories. She is a creative vagabond, a poet, writer She co-facilitates the Wild Angels Poets and Writers Group at the historic Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine.Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own. Visit her blog: Email her or @writing4life via twitter.

1 comment:

austere said...

This is just so true.
Its like standing on a stage, the spotlight on you, even if you're decked in finery.

I added your blog to reader.