Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wild Woman of Queens: Notes on Urban Creativity from across the East River.

Light in the darkness by Sandra Lee Schubert 2009

Sandra Lee Schubert

Looking for the Light

The show "Rescue Me" has been filming in my neighborhood. The theme of rescuing has been running in my life since my layoff in November 2008. I appreciated the irony of them filming outside my door. I have taken several photos of the the camera and lights suspended above the neighborhood on a large crane. When the lights are out you might not notice they are up there.The crane is black and blends in perfectly with the night sky. But when the lights are on everything is illuminated.

When I feel a bit at the affect of life's circumstances I look for meaning in the oddest places. Is it real meaning? I don't know.

Meaning like inspiration seems to be something I must fabricate for myself. It would be nice if I was a fount of it, continually drinking from a deep well. Alas, I seem to need to find the water to pour into the well. It's not a bad thing to go find my inspiration. It means it is not left up the whims of a capricious universe.

Today I choose to find what I need to be a creative and fulfilled being, or, the world may bring it to my door. Either way, it is up to me to use it well.

Sandra's e-course leads people to be their creative best through telling their stories. She is a creative vagabond, a poet, writer who co-facilitates the Wild Angels Poets and Writers Group at the historic Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine.Writing for Life: Creating a Story of Your Own. Visit her blog: Email her sandraleeschubert(at) or @writing4life via twitter.

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