Sunday, July 13, 2008


Lauri Griffin

Finding Support

I’ve been thinking a lot about support lately. Finding support for dreams, for artistic meanderings, for anything outside the norm, is so hard.

In one of Neal Peart’s books he talks about visiting a well known and prolific writer friend. The frient wanted to make Peart his special lasagna, but his wife pressed him to finish his day’s writing instead. In the book the wife comes out a little controlling. Personally, I can’t imagine telling my husband he couldn’t cook lasagna for a friend, much less a famous rock star. But even as I thought wow, she needs to relax a little, I was also thinking that we should all be so lucky. No wonder this writer is so prolific!

How many of us have someone who believes in that us to that extent? How many of us have someone who cares more about our writing and our projects than about what is for dinner? How many of us have people that push us daily to get our writing done, to work on our creative projects, to take the time necessary for our dreams?

Connecting creativity with everyday life
Lauri Griffin

Lauri Griffin is a published short story writer who is currently revising some longer works. She holds degrees in educational psychology and gifted education, and is employed as the instructional coordinator for a literacy program. Lauri is fascinated by the many different ways our brains learn and by the creative process. Visit her personal blog on creativity, writing, and parenting three sons at

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